iphone 3G…..Call Failed!

16 06 2010

Hey 3G iPhone users, getting tired of dropping important phone calls? Its long over due and it seems that the natives are becoming restless. Apple has been hit with a law suit over the flaky qualities of the iphone 3G and it hopes to go class action soon. “Jessica Alena Smith filed the complaint yesterday against the iPhone maker, alleging that the new iPhone’s 3G performance and reliability has been subpar, despite the claims made by Apple’s aggressive marketing campaign.” – Jacqui Cheng

I have been fed up with the performance as well and for the past month have recorded each phone call dropped and its time by snapping a screen shot of the image. Some times I witnessed 9 dropped calls in a row within 3 minutes or less. This is getting ridiculous so its time to fight back against AT&T and Apples monopolistic approach to controlling the mobile phone industry.

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