iphone 3G…..Call Failed!

16 06 2010

Hey 3G iPhone users, getting tired of dropping important phone calls? Its long over due and it seems that the natives are becoming restless. Apple has been hit with a law suit over the flaky qualities of the iphone 3G and it hopes to go class action soon. “Jessica Alena Smith filed the complaint yesterday against the iPhone maker, alleging that the new iPhone’s 3G performance and reliability has been subpar, despite the claims made by Apple’s aggressive marketing campaign.” – Jacqui Cheng

I have been fed up with the performance as well and for the past month have recorded each phone call dropped and its time by snapping a screen shot of the image. Some times I witnessed 9 dropped calls in a row within 3 minutes or less. This is getting ridiculous so its time to fight back against AT&T and Apples monopolistic approach to controlling the mobile phone industry.

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HIV Story Project

15 06 2010

The HIV Project

Wednesday June 16th is the Opening night for The HIV Story Project, produced by one of my instructors and great mentor Marc Smolowitz.

The HIV Story Project is

“A short film compilation & new media content experiment that brings together S.F. Bay Area Filmmakers working with people living with HIV/AIDS to create a panorama of stores that shed light on the the world’s most substantial health pandemic.”


Our very own Dana Shaw was also given the honor of being a part of this project.   So come and check out this great event to support not only local filmmakers, but to support a great cause.

The event will be hosted at Under One Roof
518A Castro Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

Opening night will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  If you can’t catch it on Wednesday, don’t worry!  The exhibit will be open to the public til June 30th.

If you want to find out more information on the event, or ways to contribute visit:

Twitter.com/HIVStory Project

iphone photography

3 06 2010

Before ( taken with classic pan )

After ( post work with Tilt Shift Generator )

With the plethora of downloadable photography applications for the iphone, how does one choose an application that gives excellent results by not spending more than you need. I have recently tried and succeeded using a specialized workflow with two very handy and creative photo applications, Classic Pan and Tilt Shift Generator, the combination of these two in a workflow can impress more than just your best friend thats fried out on the couch, I’m talking professional level photographers.

Before ( taken with classic pan )

After ( Post work in Tilt Shift Generator )

Yes, it is just a low resolution photo that is taken on a mobile device, but its not like Holga camera’s are any different, they are both low grade resolutions yet being able to be pulled out at a moments notice to capture an interesting scene. First I start off by shooting a panoramic image in the Classic Pan application, you are able to control the look and feel of your photos with a variety of scene files ( film settings ) to achieve the look you want, I have been using Vivid Color setting with vignette on.

Before ( taken with classic pan )

After ( post work with Tilt Shift Generator )

After I take that photo I open up Tilt Shift Generator to do post work within the iphone itself, its a funny idea but its effective. Tilt shift allows you to change the depth of field and perspective with a blurring option where if you take a scenic photo from far you are able to make the subjects in frame look like they were toys or a miniature set .

Before ( taken with classic pan )

After ( post work with Tilt Shift Generator )

Its remarkable what the combination of the two programs can do in a matter of minutes and the advantage of having a portable way to take any of the photos you can on impulse makes it very effective. Recently I have been trying to take as many photos of my day as possible, especially when I have the chance to shoot with the tilt shift look and feel.

Before ( taken with classic pan )

After ( post work with Tilt Shift Generator )

I have been successful with the photos that are displayed and look forward towards capturing the next shot every day, its like a game and creates an organic yet very innovative new workflow within technology that many people can not stand. Watch out photographers, the iphone isnt just a talking device.

Baby in the sky with Bonzom

25 05 2010

Originally posted by Bran Dougherty-Johnson over at Motionographer, Jack-Antoine Charlot of Bonzom has made another remarkably beautiful 2d animation for yet another client. This time its Global Fund and the project is a P.S.A that raises awareness of HIV infection with mothers and children. Being that I am also working on a related topic with Marc Smolowitz and The HIV Story Project this short animation really caught my attention. The intricate patterning and psychedelic tones set this P.S.A to be very imaginative, creative and effective. This usually is not the case with public service announcements as we all may agree. Hats off to Passion Paris for exposing this unique sequence of images and supporting a wonderful cause, way to give back with our community while creating something innovative at the same time!

Client: Global Fund
Title: Baby In The Sky
Agency: Global Fund
Production Company: Passion Paris Production
Directors: Jack Antoine Charlot@Bonzom
Executive Producer: Marc Bodin-Joyeux & Claire Potel
Animation Production: JSCB (Je Suis Bien Content)
Production manager: Marc Jousset, Perrine Capron
Script Scenario & Idée Originale: Olivier BARDY & Jack Antoine Charlot
Storyboard: Kalkaire
Art Developement: Kalkaire
Animation: Guillaume Delaunay, Dimitri Lecoussis, Damien Barrau, Davy Durand
Compositing: François Leroy, Jimmy Audoin
Sound Design studio: Dîner au Motel
Sound Designer: Michael Fakesch & Stéphane Papin
Voice Over: Carla Bruni Sarkozy
Music: Amy Winehouse / Universal “Black is back”

Spaz if you want to

14 05 2010

On Saturday May 8th was a night of free music and drinks, thanks to social networking media!

Through Twitter, I found out about a FREE N.E.R.D. & ASHER ROTH show happening, the night of the at an undisclosed location.  My friends and I anxiously waited around for Tweets.  We finally got instructed to send an e-mail requesting information for the show, from then we would get an e-mail informing us of the venue that the show would take place.  Already we were drawn into this event, we felt like secret agents waiting for our super secret confidential instructions from the man.  Finally we recieved the location,  no it wasn’t Slim’s or Bottom of the Hill, in fact it wasn’t even a traditional Music Venue.

It was…

The European Collision Center off of 12th and Howard in San Francisco, CA

The event was promoted by Kin, a new phone made by Verizon dedicated to Social Networking!   Right when I got into the line to get in, I was immediately exposed to this new phone.  There were promoters moving through the line showing off this new innovative phone, and even taking pictures of everybody in line.   If you were there, all the pictures are posted on Kin’s Facebook.

There was hardly any downtime for people to even get a chance to get bored.  There was always a DJ playing if there wasn’t a performer on stage.  The first performer was Asher Roth.  Soon after was N.E.R.D.

Even after all the performers were done, the DJ continued to play, and everybody just danced the night away!  All in all it was an amazing night, I mean FREE DRINKS, FREE MUSIC, FREE SHOW, FREE SWAG, what else can you ask for?

Kin is definitely doing it right.   Make sure you add them on facebook or twitter,  there’ constantly having free secret shows!




Official Site