Digital Bloomers

9 06 2010

So check it, I am embarking on a creative journey for this coming year, I am to direct and create a documentary film for my senior thesis project. To give you a good idea of what the film is about the logline goes a little somthing like this, Technology has changed the way filmmakers create, Digitized unveils several filmmakers emotional attachments to the use of film as a medium through their dedication to the process and need for a tangible community amongst the rising tide of the digital generation. The name of the film for now is Digitized and I am very excited to be getting it on its feet. For the last 3 months I have been in development stages and pre-production making sure my business and marketing plan is solid and securing subject from the likes of Craig Baldwin over at Other Cinema, Rock Ross of The New Nothing Cinema and The Goat Family, Documentary Filmmaker Katherine Bruens who made The Corner Store and John Carlson from Monaco Digital Film Labs. I am happy to announce that I will have a fantastic crew with tons of creative minds behind the vision inside my head. This will be the postmark of my education and a film that hopefully will define me as a documentary filmmaker in contemporary cinema, so why not talk about how our generation is influencing filmmaking and learn about a craft in the process. For the past 3 weeks I have been shooting super 8-mm as tests for portions of my film, I am very excited about learning how to shoot film since I have made more films than I have fingers yet none of them have been made with celluloid. Stay tuned for the website and blog when it births around July 12th, tentitively when production begins, we will have coverage of our production process along the way with new photos, videos and artwork to generate a hype and to document our experiences making Digitized.

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