Apple Does it Again!

9 06 2010

Apple has once again developed technology that will change our future ideas of what is possible for everyday mobile devices.  The iPhone 4 has been introduced to the public this past week and has made leaps and bounds in technological advances from past models.  The thin, stainless steel design boasts improvements for Retina Display and processing as well as many new features.

The most anticipated feature of the iPhone 4 is definitely FaceTime.  With the

2 cameras

new 5 mega pixel camera, you can now see the person you are talking to on your phone.  No application is necessary and the only requirement is that the other person also has an iPhone 4.  With just a touch of a button you can have FaceTime in portrait or landscape modes.  To add on to the wonders of FaceTime, you can also switch from the front display camera, to the second camera in the back of the phone to show your viewer what you’re seeing in real time. 

Another use for the 5 mega pixel camera is for HD Video Recording.  The backside camera has an illumination sensor that makes your video look great in any light setting.  For darker places, you can use the built in LED light to brighten your shot.  The camera also has a built in focus.  If you have two different objects in your shot, one in the foreground and one in the background, just tap which object you want in focus.  The camera automatically adjusts the exposure and focus for the shot.  But wait, it gets better!  With the new iMovie app available for iPhone 4, you will be able to add themes, transitions, music and photos to your clips.   

These are just the two features that I wanted to review for my article, but there are plenty more to check out:  The new and improved Retina Display with 960 by 640 resolution which is 4 times the pixel amount of any previous iPhone; dual-mic noise suppression; and an Apple A4 Processor that is powerful and power-efficient.

The iPhone 4 is set for a release date on June 24th.  You can reserve your 16GB or 32GB starting on June 15th.  Hope this helps anyone who might be trying to decide whether to upgrade or switch phone companies!

Written By:  Stephanie Miller




2 responses

10 06 2010

Awesome review Steph!!!!! The “facetime” video phone is gonna def change the way people communicate!!!! Fo Eva!!! We should get them!!!

11 06 2010
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[…] ~Apple Does it Again!: Posted 6/09/10  I talk about the new iPhone4 and a few of its new features. […]

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